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How Quickly Does SEO Work? + Real Life Examples

September 28, 2022




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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One of the main reasons that online entrepreneurs think they should invest in SEO after their business is established is due to the longevity of this type of marketing. SEO can take anywhere from three, six, or even a year to rank. It all depends on your SEO strategy and your personal business – such as if you’re investing in both content and technical SEO, how old your website is, what your niche is, and other marketing tactics.

Thanks to SEO’s higher price tag – yes, I’m aware that SEO services can be expensive – in addition to it’s lack of immediate results, new business owners leave it until their business is “stable,” but I’m here to share that this specific tactic might actually have the opposite affect.

Now, let’s get to the real results from three different niches and three different businesses with different content schedules and target keywords/audiences. We’ll also cover how long they’ve invested in SEO vs. the results that they’re generating.

28 Days of SEO Growth: ModVenturesLLC

Screenshot of ModVenturesLLC's Google Search Console for peek at how quickly seo works.

Starting in December of 2021, ten months ago, ModVenturesLLC began investing in content SEO. Their schedule includes posting four SEO-optimized blog posts each month, with each post ranging from 500 – 750 words. ModVenturesLLC is a premier accounting and bookkeeping service for businesses earning $1M to $10M. While I’ve already covered the increase in their SEO performance and keyword rankings for their first three months – which you can read in their case study here – we’re going to look at their current placement, rankings, and the fact that they’re still experiencing significant growth as we head out of their “slow season.”

They experienced a 31% growth in their total clicks to their website through Google search in the last 28 days. In comparison to the 78 ranking keywords from February, they’ve experienced a 72% growth in their current ranking keywords. In addition, they’ve also experienced an increase in incoming leads from organic Google traffic.

Answer for ModVenturesLLC? How quickly does SEO work? Three months for initial growth, and continues to have significant growth every month.

Three Month of SEO Growth: The Comma Mama Co.

Screenshot of The Comma Mama Co's Google Search Console for peek at how quickly seo works.

Of course, I couldn’t leave myself out! Mainly because my SEO content creation is very inconsistent. For example, this year, I’ve been very inconsistent with my posting consistency, although I’ve spent more time on my personal SEO. I post SEO blogs anywhere from 0 – 4 each month ranging in length from 400 to 2,000 words. But, last year, I had a more consistent posting schedule where I followed my own SEO advice (purpose, plan, post for people) which is why my results are sooooo good this year, and are continuing to grow significantly.

My results? A 127% increase in link clicks and I can’t even tell you how many keywords I used to rank for vs. what I rank for now. I focus heavily on seasonal SEO, which means that this time of year is my “prime time.” Typically, from July to January is when my website ranks highest for my keywords because that’s the time my audience is looking for my content.

Answer for The Comma Mama Co? How quickly does SEO work? One month initially, I wrote a blog post in July of 2021 that began ranking and generating significant traffic in August of 2021. Each week, my site is experiencing a 13% increase in organic traffic through Google searches.

Six Months of SEO Growth: Âme Creatives

Screenshot of Ame Creatives Google Search Console for peek at how quickly seo works.

Starting nine months ago in January of 2022, Âme Creatives invested in four SEO-optimized blog posts ranging in length from 500 to 750 words each. While Âme Creatives focused on their technical SEO, I committed to creating SEO-optimized content that would help them find their ideal audience and client through Google search console – ranking for keywords that related to Showit, Design, Branding, etc.

Over the last six months, she has experienced a 230% growth in clicks to her website through organic Google searches. Additionally, her domain authority has increased along with the number of keywords that she ranks for.

Answer for Âme Creatives? How quickly does SEO work? Three months would be the best answer. She began seeing growth after three months had passed after the first SEO optimized blog post was published on her site.

How Quickly Does SEO Work?

Final answer: To see quicker growth with SEO content writing, ensure that your site has a strong technical SEO background (and that current content is optimized). The more content you have that is SEO optimized and ranking, the easier is it to rank for similar keywords – meaning your growth would be quicker (like my personal site, The Comma Mama Co.). Not considering anything else, you’ll see some growth from SEO content marketing and creation in the first three months.

If you’re ready to get started with SEO, reach out for the initial SEO audit to optimize your site and see what steps you should take to start ranking on Google – and taking advantage of free, organic, online traffic. You can view the full breakdown by checking our SEO Support option here.

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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
