Welcome to The Comma
Mama Co. Blog

A cozy space to learn more about blogging, SEO, and business — without the overwhelm. Here's all my best (and favorite) strategies to use and knowledge to pick from.





Writing blog posts go beyond jotting a few words down online – writing blogs for your business requires skill and strategy to get results. Blogging as a business owner is aimed at educating your readers and attracting new clients, preferably organically (through SEO). For that to happen, you have to utilize and understand what it […]

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July 14, 2022

Are URLs Important for SEO? | The Comma Mama Co

If you’re here, you’re likely wondering, “Does my URL even affect my SEO?” or “How much weight will my URL really have on my ranking?” And while I would love to say that such a small aspect of your page would barely affect your SEO, that wouldn’t be true. Your URL affects your SEO more […]

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July 10, 2022

The very first step of marketing your business on Pinterest is establishing a Pinterest Business Account. While a standard personal account might be perfect for saving your holiday gift ideas or your next DIY project, a Pinterest Business Account is designed to allow you to track your performance analytics, run ads, and claim your website […]

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June 20, 2022

FREE Guide:
6 Simple Steps For Better SEO


Want to improve your website SEO in one afternoon? This free resource offers 6 actionable steps you can take in 15 minutes or less to instantly improve your SEO.

download now

meet the editor (author)

A woman with a love affair for words and a knack for making SEO feel less like a mystery and more like a fun puzzle to solve. As a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. That’s why I’m on a mission to help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.

The blog is how I share all the best kept secrets in SEO, blogging, and being a mama in business. You’ll find what you need – and more.

X Mckayla

seo expert




fun facts


I'm a compulsive blogger and take every opportunity I have to start a new blog about anything (and everything) that interests me


I originally wanted to earn a degree in biology — which I quickly swapped for English because I didn't want to suffer through that


I'm based in a very rural area and didn't have WIFI until two years ago (which just shows you the dedication I had to my clients to find it)


I can't start a book without finishing it and potentially the entire series, no joke. I will stay up until 3am if I have to.

get to know me