Writing blog posts go beyond jotting a few words down online – writing blogs for your business requires skill and strategy to get results. Blogging as a business owner is aimed at educating your readers and attracting new clients, preferably organically (through SEO). For that to happen, you have to utilize and understand what it […]
If you’re here, you’re likely wondering, “Does my URL even affect my SEO?” or “How much weight will my URL really have on my ranking?” And while I would love to say that such a small aspect of your page would barely affect your SEO, that wouldn’t be true. Your URL affects your SEO more […]
The very first step of marketing your business on Pinterest is establishing a Pinterest Business Account. While a standard personal account might be perfect for saving your holiday gift ideas or your next DIY project, a Pinterest Business Account is designed to allow you to track your performance analytics, run ads, and claim your website […]
Want to improve your website SEO in one afternoon? This free resource offers 6 actionable steps you can take in 15 minutes or less to instantly improve your SEO.