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Yep, Pinterest Pays Me $5 a Day. Here’s Why:

Did you know that you can start earning passive income by marketing your digital products on Pinterest? Here's what you need to know:

October 13, 2021




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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It’s true. Pinterest pays me $5 a day.

If you didn’t know, I run a mom blog called That Mama Mckayla, and like any true entrepreneur – I made a way to monetize it that’s not ads or affiliate marketing (although I do those too). About three months into my journey as a mom blogger, I realized that boutiques and mom shops thrived by hosting Facebook groups to sell products, and they were lacking pre-made kits to make engagement easier.

It was the perfect opportunity to create a product! In the end, I created a set of 50+ Facebook Engagement Posts for Moms in Canva with a price tag of only $4.99. After pinning a video of my product, it went viral.

I have exactly ONE pin leading to my boutique posts – and I didn’t start marketing it on my website until October of 2021. All sales before that we’re directly from Pinterest! I can’t tell you how many times I received a saved notification and then a Paypal notice. From one product alone, I get at least $5 per day.

I’ve done the math, $5 a day for a year is $1,825 and I get it, to some, that’s not a huge amount – to me, that’s $1,825 I didn’t have. And proof that Pinterest works. I have two littles, $1,825 per year x 18 years is $32,850. If I have ONLY two viral $5 products for the next 18 years, I’ll have enough for both of my littles to have a large college fund (if they chose to go) and then some!

Now, imagine if it wasn’t a $5 product, but a $50 product.

Your Products BELONG on Pinterest


Okay, that was a BIT extra – but I’m trying to get my point across! Your products need to be on Pinterest, and honestly, there’s no harm in pinning them but everything to gain! Pin your mini-products, your large bundles, your tripwires – pin it ALL.

Obviously your smaller products are going to perform better because they’re what I consider “no brainers” – something that doesn’t require as much trust in the brand or creator to buy because there isn’t as much monetary loss if it doesn’t work out. Pricier products take longer, but can have the same reward!

The best example of this is a Showit or website template. While they cost more, when the pin takes off they can generate just as much – if not more – passive income versus your mini-products.

Learn which digital products perform best here.

It’s All in the Pin –

Did you know that you can start earning passive income by marketing your digital products on Pinterest? Here's what you need to know:

A lot of service-providers interested in selling on Pinterest ask me “how do I make a successful pin?” and I don’t quite know how to answer… truthfully, it’s a combination of making the WHOLE pin just right for your audience. It’s a combination of:

  • Picking the perfect graphic
  • Choosing the right colors
  • Animation placement (or not)
  • Choosing your pin type (static, video, carosel, etc.)
  • Targeting keywords
  • Your pin title + description

And even after considering ALL and more of the above, you still have to choose your Pinterest board and make sure your Pinterest account is optimized to make sure your pin is perfectly distributed. Then, you mimic the process to get the best results.

Pinterest is all about learning what works AND learning what doesn’t work. On top of that, you’ll need to stay updated and pay close attention to both your account and pin analytics to see how trends are changing and what type of content is performing the best – then, you’ll make more like that!

Learning HOW to Get Started

NOW is the time to get started, I promise! Pinterest experiences a huge surge of users during the holiday season (and I’m writing this article right at the beginning of October) so there’s no better time to take advantage of the increase in traffic. You can download my free Pinterest marketing holiday guide here.

The holiday guide is specifically for the marketing on Pinterest for the holiday season! If you’re looking to learn the basics of Pinterest, here are a few resources that you can check out:

#1. The Pinterest Starter Kit ($7), basic intro to Pinterest

#2. Pinterest Template Library ($15), 300+ Canva Pinterest templates

#3. The Practical Pin Society ($97), Pinterest strategy, set-up, and more

Or, you can work with me through a Pinterest VIP day, monthly management, or 1:1 call!

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Did you know that you can start earning passive income by marketing your digital products on Pinterest? Here's what you need to know:
Did you know that you can start earning passive income by marketing your digital products on Pinterest? Here's what you need to know:

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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
