editors Choice

How Does Blogging Actually “Work” (And How to Know If It’d Work for YOU)

November 3, 2024




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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Not even an hour before writing this, I had an inquiry come in; we’ll call her K. K found me on Google…from a blog post. One that’s not too different from this one. 

I often get the question, “How does blogging work?” and I also occasionally get the question, “What is a blog?” but we’ll take this one at a time.

K is a great example of how blogging (more specifically, SEO blogging) works. 

I researched, wrote the blog content, optimized for the keywords (aka what people are searching for to find my solutions to their problems), and hit publish. K found a post, decided I was her solution, and booked. Cool, right?

But, this is only one way blogging works—the SEO way. That’s for the “new” people in your space; it’s not considering the people already in your space, the ones on your email list or clicking through your IG stories who are curious but don’t have the trust in you or enough knowledge around what you do to buy or book.

Now that I’ve done my little intro, let’s get right into it:

What is Blogging or SEO Blogging?

You don’t have to blog with SEO in mind; you can blog just to blog and be happy with it. But, there’s no harm in blogging with SEO and so so much to gain. 

With SEO blogging, you’re adding keywords and optimizing for search engines (albeit mainly Google) so that when someone searches what you’re writing about, you actually show up. But you’re still writing for your people—you can still share it with the people already in your space to read, enjoy, and connect with.

With regular blogging, you’re writing whatever you feel like and really banking on the people already in your audience to be your main consumers. You’re writing it with the intention of linking to your email or simply existing on your website, hoping that if someone is clicking around and not ready to buy, they’ll find it instead and stick around.

If people find it on Google, it’s a stroke of luck (unlike the strategic positioning of blogging option #1).

The funny thing is you can write a regular blog post and optimize it for SEO; you don’t have to automatically opt for a boring and bland keyword-driven blog post (and yes, that’s still SEO blogging).

How Does Blogging Fit in Your Funnel or Client Journey?

It honestly fits where you want it to fit.

Blogging is traditionally a top-of-funnel piece of content (aka one of the first introductions with a lead, their first taste of what you have to offer). Your goal is to build trust, give value, and showcase your personality to connect with your people (and convince them to stick around).

But the truth is that a blog fits into your funnel anywhere you want it to. It can be used to educate, bring awareness, connect, and clarify your services, your brand, and even the “how-tos” behind what you do. 

One blog post may be exactly what a stranger needs. They may find you, read it, and now be in your world (because obviously, they loved it so much they subscribed to your newsletter or followed you on IG).

While another post is the tipping point for a warm and toasty lead who’s been waiting for the final “sign” it’s time to work together, and your latest blog post was the one they found and booked from.

Both can co-exist. That’s the whole point of a blog: to offer more than your typical five-page website and exist longer than a post on your IG feed.

Okay, But Will Blogging Actually Work For Me?

That’s probably what you’re thinking, right? Something along the lines of, “Sure, that’s awesome, Mckayla, but will blogging actually work for ME?” And I’d love to say yes, yes, it will. 

Except—no matter which “type” of blogging you want to do—you have to know who your audience is, know what your offers are, and be confident in your (and your website’s) ability to convert leads to clients.

It’s super exciting to try something new to bring people to you and into your world—especially when you know you have so much to offer them and could make such a difference in their life or business (or both). But, you have to build your house before you can host a dinner party!

If you ARE confident asf in your offers, know who your dream clients are, and are ready to start bringing them into your world, then yes, blogging will work for you 😉

And if you want someone to handle it for you, I’m your gal. Just click here to learn more about how I can support you.


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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
