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5 Blog Post Ideas for Service Providers to Use in 2024

Blog Post Ideas for Service-based businesses | The Comma Mama Co.

June 8, 2024




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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One of the hardest parts of blogging is ideation — coming up with your content ideas, figuring out what to put in your post, wondering how to sell your services, and everything in between. But once you have an idea of what your blog post is about, the rest comes (sometimes slowly, but it DOES come).

These blog post ideas for service-based businesses are designed to help with that first part (coming up with ideas) and make blogging easier on you while continuing to create content that sells your services.

How to Use Your Blog Post Idea Prompts and Title Templates

Part of the reason these ideas work so well for service providers is because they’re not limited to ONE business. They’re technically templates for a specific type of blog post or idea where you fill in the blanks based on a need (which is provided to you).

You can use these ideas to inspire your own, or you can use them as is and add them to your blog content calendar to share with your audience.

5 Blog Post Ideas for Service Providers to Use Right Now

How to Find Blog Post Ideas as a Service Provider | The Comma Mama Co.

You have the essentials, so now it’s time to read through them and create a blog post to help sell your services! Keep in mind that anytime something is in brackets, you’ll want to replace it with your OWN relevant information based on the prompt/descriptor inside — there are also examples of the post to help!

Here are my favorite blog post ideas for service-based businesses that attract, nurture, and convert leads and clients:

“When to Hire [What You Are] for Your [Business/Firm/Industry]”

Example blog post titles:

  • When to Hire a Bookkeeper for Your Business
  • When to Hire a Pinterest Manager for Your Mom Blog
  • When to Hire a Blog Writer for Your Bookkeeping Firm

You would be surprised how SEO-friendly this type of blog post is – and how useful it is to your pre-existing audience. Many buyers and clients tend to wait for a “sign” to invest, some reasons or moments where they think, “Yes, this is the right time for me,” and helping to identify that moment is exactly what this blog post is for.

As an added bonus, you can pre-qualify leads through this post by mentioning when someone might not be ready to work with your business.

Market your services by “soft selling” your offer in the post (backlinking your offer on relevant text) rather than directly pitching your reader. Use your CTA at the end of your post to pitch a freebie directly related to the offer you’re discussing.

If you don’t have a freebie, gently promote your offer by focusing on how you’re here to help THEM if they need/want to work with you. You don’t need to list all the benefits or transformations your offer does because this entire post is technically a soft pitch of your service (there’s no need to oversell).

“5 Ways to [Problem to Solve] for [Who You’re Solving it For]”

Example blog post titles:

  • 5 Ways to Grow Your Instagram for Service Providers
  • 5 Ways to Write Better Copy for Your Digital Product Listings
  • 5 Ways to Regulate Your Nervous System for Women

This is one of my favorites for clients who want to nurture potential leads on their blog ASAP (maybe because I love writing listicles). You’re tackling one of the main goals your client wants to achieve and writing it specifically for them (not everybody in the universe).

You want to give your audience quick wins that feel good and give them a bit more trust in you and your expertise. Keep this simple, don’t overcomplicate — and don’t worry about giving too much away (that’s nearly impossible).

This is a great post to connect any of your resources, offers, and even other blog posts. If you have products/freebies that relate to each way listed in your post, backlink them to relevant text as a “soft sell.” Use your end CTA as a hard sell for the best way to get in touch with you to work together (contact page, discovery call, etc).

“Why You Need [Your Service or You] as a [Dream Client]”

Example blog post titles:

  • Why You Need an Instagram Strategy as an Esthetician
  • Why You Need a Trademark as a Copywriter
  • Why You Need Branding as a Service-Based Business

This is a 50/50 on SEO; sometimes, it’s a well-performing win, and other times, it’s solely for your pre-existing audience — either way, it’s a huge help with conversions.

Use this blog post to explain why you do what you do. Touch on the pain points you solve and the transformation you provide. Lean into your differentiators in the industry to further engage your readers that you’re the right fit for them.

Hard sell the service you’re discussing at the end of your post, but add an alternative way to stay in touch, like subscribing to your newsletter or following you on Instagram. This way, even if they’re not ready to book or need more connection before working with someone, they know where to go!

“3 [Your Expertise] Tips to Help You [End Goal]

Example blog post titles:

  • 3 SEO Tips to Help You Grow Your Blog
  • 3 Podcasting Tips to Help You Attract More Listeners
  • 3 Bookkeeping Tips to Help You Prep for Tax Season

The “three tips” blog post is a classic and it works really well because it tackles three different time frames, giving your audience a quick win to build trust and keeping you top of mind as they work through the second and third tip.

To do this, your first tip should be easy to accomplish and show results quickly. For example, if I’m sharing three SEO tips, my first one would be optimizing your Home Page title and meta description. It helps your entire SEO strategy and can be done in less than 10 minutes.

For your second tip, make it take a little longer or involve a bit more prep than the first one. Consider it “sampling a strategy.” Aim for something they’ll need to sit on for an hour to a day.

Your third tip is to aim for something that will need some monitoring, or it may take a few days (or even weeks) to see the best results.

For example, for SEO, I would suggest reaching out to guest posts on other websites to improve your off-page SEO. While the actual outreach is quick, they have to wait on a response from the website to get approval to submit a post (and effectively reminding them of their SEO work — and me — at the same time).

You can choose to pitch a free resource or paid offer at the end of your post; just make sure it aligns with your content.

“How to [End Goal] in [Timeframe]”

Example blog post titles:

  • How to Show Up in Google Search in the Next Three Months
  • How to Write Better Captions in Less Than 15 Minutes
  • How to Record a Podcast Episode in 1 Hour

I love this blog post idea for service-based businesses because it allows you to focus on ONE client goal when they work with you — or even one main result. Then, you give them an actionable step and a realistic timeline to see improvement when the action is taken.

This type of blog post lets you share a little bit of what to expect when working together, at least timeline-wise. For example, you could share a timeframe of three months to share the standard, or if it’s an immediate win, you could make the timeframe 15 minutes.

While the goal of this blog post is to sell your services, and you should soft sell your offers in the text, this post should bring together your other posts to help with your internal backlinking. It should encourage your reader to check out more of your blog posts or find you on Instagram (or whatever platform/channel you prefer) to keep the conversation going.

What’s Next? Writing Your Blog Post

I hope you found (or were inspired enough to create) your next post from this quick list of blog post ideas for service-based businesses. I know that constantly creating is exhausting, and I’m glad I could take one more thing off your plate!

But before you start writing, remember this: Your blog post doesn’t have to be perfect to hit publish. Aim to do your best, but don’t hold an amazing piece back because of nerves and perfectionism! You are so much more knowledgeable than you think you are!

And, if you liked this little round-up of tips, download my free blogging SEO checklist to get even more visibility and growth from your blog:

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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
