Case Study: SEO for Local Accounting Firm Mod Ventures in Phoenix, AZ

February 23, 2022

The story started in 2021 when a close friend in the industry brought up a potential collaboration — her client was interested in blogs, and I was her first recommendation. While we were working primarily on content, we moved forward with a full SEO strategy for the accounting firm Mod Ventures in Phoenix, AZ.

And there’s no huge reveal here — we’re still currently working with Gabby (the CEO of Mod Ventures) to continue increasing her visibility, nurturing her audience, and converting to clients today.

What I want to talk about is the growth they’ve experienced over the last three years and how blogging helped them break into a new industry and start serving their dream clients.

The Client: Who is Mod Ventures LLC?

Mod Ventures LLC is a Pheonix-based premier accounting firm owned by Gabrielle Luoma, who started the firm in her living room back in 2004. She scaled the firm to what it is today, a seven-figure business, because she wanted to financially support her family – while being able to still spend time with her family (she’s also a two-time author, a huge feat in my opinion).

Their goal: help entrepreneurs take full control of their finances without fear and overwhelm.

The Strategy: SEO for Accounting Firms

Although Mod Ventures has been in business for almost 20 years, they didn’t invest in a formal SEO strategy until now. Their business had flourished through client referrals and word of mouth — but an internal change and business restructuring led to them wanting to develop a new

ModVenturesLLC really wanted to focus on increasing their organic traffic, growing their online presence, and marketing their offers – all of which we did over the course of our contract. Here’s a little insight into their performance:

Accounting and Advisory firm SEO rankings and performance summary from the past three months.

What Was The Process Behind Blogging?

When we work together with blogging, we have two options: 

  1. You generate content ideas and I target keywords based off of them.
  2. I generate content ideas and target long-tail keywords to improve ranking.

Both options are good, but when I’m allowed to generate content myself, clients typically experience greater growth via SEO. ModVenturesLLC chose to allow me to create content ideas for them, giving me the opportunity to choose keywords that would be easy to rank, generate search traffic, and be low-competition. 

After determining the method by which content is chosen, I create a shared content calendar to track our ideas and the progress of each post when writing and publishing. In regards to this particular client, I worked with both their marketing manager and their website developer for content recommendations and uploading.

The Results

ModVenturesLLC premier Accounting and Advisory Firm experienced an 88% growth in the amount of ranking keywords they had in Google search. Additionally, half of their ranking posts consisted of blog posts written by The Comma Mama Co. All of these keywords were relevant to their services and continue to rank higher as time progresses. All of these keywords were among the top 50 search results, with the lowest ranking keyword being #47 and the highest ranking keyword being #13. 

Is this a typical result? Sometimes. SEO is typically a long-term marketing strategy and begins generating results anywhere from three to nine months after content has been published. Depending on the reputation of the website, the keywords, and the search traffic, and your niche – when working with a professional SEO content writer, they’ll typically handle this portion for you, as well as writing out the content to ensure best results – like I did here for ModVentures LLC.


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  2. […] The great thing about URLs is that they’re super easy to customize and they take little to no additional time in your content marketing strategy. For something so simple, it makes sense to take this little extra step when the results could lead to free traffic from Google. […]

  3. […] performance and keyword rankings for their first three months – which you can read in their case study here – we’re going to look at their current placement, rankings, and the fact that […]

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