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Why Your Blog is Boring + 7 Ways to Spice it Up

Why Your Blog is Boring + 7 Ways to Spice it Up

September 28, 2023




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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You’re not getting any conversions from your blog and you’ve got a pretty good idea why… and it’s because your blog is boring. It’s boring and self-serving and no one is overly inclined to make it past the first paragraph – but, why? Why is your blog boring?

To put it plainly, you’re being a bit bland. You’ve gotten so wrapped up in your goals and getting conversions that you’ve forgotten your sense of community and connection.

When you’re blogging, your content is a bit more transparent than you think. Your audience can tell what your end goal is and why you’re writing your blog post. And while everyone understands the need to convert and make a living, they don’t need it shoved in their faces.

Essentially, if you’re thinking “You have to buy this” or “You have to be my client” while writing, that’s what they’re gonna read – and we can do better than that. You want your reader to want to be your client, not feel it’s necessary to stop the world from ending.

You’re creating (and supporting) a community and your blog is there to help you along the way. But, if your blog is “boring” to your readers, you’re not going to make it very far…

Why Your Blog is Coming Across as “Boring”

Why Your Blog is Coming Across as “Boring” | The Comma Mama Co LLC

Writing an interesting blog comes with practice and a sprinkle of confidence. When you’re relying on a platform to drive traffic and you’re learning the “rules” and recommendations (looking at you SEO) you put yourself, your brand, and your content in a little box that can get really hard to climb out of.

And that’s not to say you shouldn’t follow SEO-best practices or the 1,001 things you should do for a “successful” blog, it’s to say you should do it in moderation.

When you’re fully committing to follow the “rules” of blogging, you tend to ditch your brand – and your blog content starts to read a bit like a textbook.

You start sounding stiff and unnatural, in both ways. You can sound “too casual” when it doesn’t make sense for your brand in an attempt to connect with your audience or you can end up reading like a Biology 101 textbook, and neither are going to be booking you clients anytime soon.

To sum it up, you’re lacking YOU. You’re lacking your brand and personality – the reason you stand out against the competition and why your audience wants to learn from you over someone else.

And since you’re here, I have a few recommendations on how to escape the unwritten rules of blogging and spice up your content and copy for a less “boring” blog!

Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Blog Content & Copy

Easy Ways to Spice Up Your Blog Content & Copy | The Comma Mama Co LLC

Don’t throw all those SEO tips and writing hacks out the window just yet, you still need to keep them in mind when you’re writing your blog post, but there are a few ways that you can make your blog a lot less boring for your audience.

It’s important to remember that SEO and blogging with SEO in mind is to help us reach our dream clients and ideal audience, so if they’re not interested in what we’re offering (or we can’t imagine working with them) then we don’t need to stress “pleasing” them with our content.

Let’s look at the ways you can spice up your blog content and copy without losing your SEO:

#1. Use Your Brand Voice

Blogging with an SEO strategy doesn’t need to sound like AI. In fact, you’re more likely to appear in search AND book clients when you embrace your brand voice. Keep your slang, use your favorite or signature phrases, and really embrace what you sound like rather than what you think you should sound like.

#2. Bring in Your Personal Experiences

While you can’t always bring in your personal experiences, there are plenty of ways you can show how you’ve personally dealt with problems that your offers solve and why you serve your clients the way you do. When you get personal, you begin showing up as a 3D character for readers rather than a 2D screen.

#3. Play to Your Strengths

Feel like your voice just doesn’t come across as well in blog posts as it does on a podcast episode or your stories and reels on Instagram? Maybe even how well you can show off your expertise on Youtube. Take it a step further for your readers and embed your content from other platforms. Use the content you feel most confident in to support the ones you don’t!

#4. Add a Hot Take

Whether you’re writing a how-to blog post or a list of your top 32 tips, there’s likely a hot take mixed in there. There’s one bit of information or a method that’s out of the norm that you like to recommend – or would like to if you weren’t stressed about hitting your keyword. Rather than stressing what would happen if you did something a little different, embrace it! Your hot take might be just what someone is looking for and will be what helps your website beat the competition for those prime search engine spots!

#5. Write Thinking About Connections, Not Conversions

Here’s a hot take – your blog post is going to convert if you’re working towards building connections. You’re offering value and aiming to teach and connect with your audience rather than turning them into dollar signs. Our intentions are quite clear in our writing, might as well use it in your favor.

#6. Be Confident

It’s hard to publish content, even on your blog, that hundreds, if not thousands of people will read. That imposter syndrome kicks in and we start adding a lot of “maybes” or “mights” and “coulds” when they’re not necessary. You know your stuff, and you know your audience, now you have to kick imposter syndrome to the curb and write with confidence. Plus, you can update your blog post later if something feels out of whack!

#7. Find a Blogging Partner or Friend for Support

In most cases, we’re our toughest critic and if your blog post doesn’t sound like you expected, you’re going to have a hard time hitting publish – even if it perfectly aligns with your brand. Having a blogging partner to bounce ideas off of and get feedback on your blog posts and copy provides that extra bit of reassurance you need to publish posts your audience will love!

If you’re ready to spice up your blog and keep to a strong SEO strategy this upcoming quarter, book your DFY quarterly content today!

Blog Post SEO Checklist for Creative Business Owners | The Comma Mama Co LLC

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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
