Sharing (and earning) From your fave tools has never been easier.

The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit

I need this - like now

The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit is your all-inclusive breakdown for crafting the perfect tool or product review on your blog with ease. Created with business owners in mind, it’s a kit that makes blogging as done-for-you as blogging without getting it DFY.

make it easy.

The Kit That Makes Review Posts Easy

Everything you need to plan, write, optimize, and publish your review blog posts.

The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit is an all-inclusive kit designed for creatives, freelancers, and business owners. It’s the kit that will help you publish a review post in less than an hour thanks to the its keyword templates, structure guide, content prompts, and step-by-step optimizations.

Because when you know exactly what you’re writing, good things happen, like giving your community an inside peek at what keeps your business functioning or opening up another stream of income (that’s not dependent on developing your own digital products). And I want more of that for you, on your own time.

I’m sold.

"You will get your blog post done in record time."

"If you're writing blogs, you'd get value out of the kit."

"I'm one who loves to write but I don't know what I'm writing about, so I end up rambling. And then after 50 paragraphs, and two iced coffees later, I wonder what the heck went down. Nothing makes sense. But this kit gave me the structure I needed to write the post, but still the creative freedom to write it myself. I felt good about writing this blog post. And dare I say, excited. I know. I gasped myself too. Hands down the best investment!!

"It has valuable keyword and SEO knowledge to glean from it.

Plus, Mckayla organizes her blog posts for readability and visibility so it's useful if you struggle to write high-performing, useful content. It's a useful resource to have whether or not you want to write review blogs specifically. My favorite kind of product is a multi-faceted one and this is it!"

don't just take our word for it

Erin Cafferty, Freelance Writer

Jasmine, Brand Strategist

And if you’re honest, you’re tired of all the “best practices” online, and you’re ready to just know what to do instead of having to pick through the bull.

Sound like you?

Yep. that's me!

  • Wants to write their own content (but needs a little guidance)
  • Is ready to open up another potential revenue stream
  • Wants to spend less time on their content (and doesn’t want to rely on AI)
  • Is tired of struggling to find what to write or how to write it
  • Understands the value of blogging and SEO

But First,
Let’s Make Sure This Is The Kit For You

The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit is a good fit if you’re a business owner who…

You’re a Click Away From Everything Changing

Here’s what The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit can do for you

before the kit

after the kit

Spending 5-6 hours planning, writing, and optimizing your review blog post.

Sifting through 3871029385 articles on Google to figure out SEO

A list of unused affiliate links to all your fave platforms that you swore you would share to start earning some passive $$$

Never knowing what you should share, what matters in your review, and how to say it.

Spend an hour on your blog – now you just have to figure out what to do with the other 4-5 hours.

1 page for keywords + 1 page for optimizations = no more guesswork

The best review blog post(s) your audience will ever read that’s both for sharing – and earning

In the kit, you get prompts for every section of your blog post. No word-for-word template tho, that’s a quick way to get a bad rep with the Google bots.

this sounds soo good

18+ Keyword Templates (and how to use them)
32+ Content Prompts (so you always know what to say)
5 walk-through guides teaching you how to write, optimize, and track your review

Here’s What You’re Getting Inside Of The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit:

When I Say Comprehensive, I Mean It

I want you to have everything you need to write, publish, and track your review posts without feeling overwhelmed. That’s why I’ve kept the kit bite-sized, the templates easy to customize, and everything organized in a super clear Notion portal (yay for simplicity).

count me in


The goal of The Review Blog Post SEO Content Kit is to make blogging easier (and help you make some extra $$$) — but I also want this program to be accessible regardless of where you’re at in your business. That’s why the kit I wanted to keep the kit affordable:


Yes please.

I’m Mckayla, the Mama behind The Comma Mama Co.

As a blogger and business owner, reviews are no stranger to me – in fact, they bring in a third of my income each year. From round-up reviews of my favorite motherhood products to an in-depth review of my favorite business tools, I’ve managed to use these strategies and guidelines to rank on page 1 (and in the #1 spot) on Google. After five years of writing, optimizing, tracking, and tweaking my review posts to get the best results possible, I’ve created this kit to replicate the process, but in a way that allows you to apply and customize it to your unique business and writing style.

Just like how there’s no one way to parent (all three of my littles are drastically different even though they’re all from the same parents, idk how that happened), there’s no one way to write a review. This kit allows you to get creative, to share your real thoughts (we’re not just focusing on the good stuff), and write a review blog post that you, your community, and Google loves.

frequently asked questions

Q: What if I don’t see results? Can I get a refund?

A: Thanks to the digital nature of this program and the fact you gain immediate access to all downloads, we do not offer refunds. However, we are 100% confident you’ll see results. 

Q: I see that it’s a kit, does this include templates?

A: Yes and no. The kit includes customizable keyword templates, but no blog templates. This kit is designed to help you with SEO – meaning you need to have unique content that doesn’t happen when you use a blog template.

Q: Will my reviews rank on Google if I use this kit?

A: Because there are so many factors that go into ranking on Google (like your personal website health), I cannot gaurantee your blog post will rank. What I can guarantee is that I’m equipping you with the best tools and practices for review blog posts so that you can rank.