We're working strategically—no time to "guess" what's going to be best. Day #1 is picking the right episode to repurpose for the biggest ROI on your time (and how you're going to repurpose it).


If you're putting the time into creating a blog post to attract new listeners and clients, you might as well make sure it lasts!  Day #2 is dedicated to making sure you've done the research and have the best keyword and format to tell Google (and other search engines) what your post is about.

Day #2: The seo stuff

We're outlining and optimizing—and essentially covering everything you need to do before you hit publish. Day #3 is for creating a podcast-turned-blog-post that can rank & convert online.

Day #3: What to do before You hit publish

Here's what you'll learn...

Pod to Blog Challenge

Mark your calendar

Starting Tuesday February 18th-20th





Hey, Hi, hello, I'm Mckayla!

A woman with a love affair for words and a knack for making SEO feel less like a mystery and more like a fun puzzle to solve. As a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. That’s why I’m on a mission to help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.

The blog is how I share all the best kept secrets in SEO, blogging, and being a mama in business. You’ll find what you need – and more.

X Mckayla

seo expert




fun facts


I'm a compulsive blogger and take every opportunity I have to start a new blog about anything (and everything) that interests me


I originally wanted to earn a degree in biology — which I quickly swapped for English because I didn't want to suffer through that


I'm based in a very rural area and didn't have WIFI until two years ago (which just shows you the dedication I had to my clients to find it)


I can't start a book without finishing it and potentially the entire series, no joke. I will stay up until 3am if I have to.

pamela krista, moms who podcast

"[Mckayla] knows her stuff. She knows SEO inside and out and she truly cares about what she does and goes DEEP into the analytics."

name of client here

Oat cake cotton candy pie icing powder wafer marshmallow. Danish powder oat cake candy canes carrot cake gingerbread.

name of client here

Dessert gummi bears cake ice cream ice cream sugar plum. Danish pie bonbon croissant gummi bears brownie. 


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