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How I Made Pinterest My Job – and You Can too!

July 25, 2021




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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Let’s start off with the basics, shall we? I’m a mom of two, a toddler and a newborn. I work online to support my family. Do you know what that means? Pinterest is my job, and I absolutely LOVE it.

Pinterest wasn’t where I was planning to go – honestly, I thought blog writing would be my main gig. But, things happen and people change… Mainly we discover where our passion truly lies and how we want to grow ourselves in the future. It just so happened that Pinterest marketing fell into my lap. Almost literally!

After finding a few gigs through Upwork for marketing and blog writing, I connected with a client who wanted Instagram marketing and Pinterest marketing – and the rest is history.

Still, making Pinterest my job didn’t happen overnight. I still didn’t have a huge fanbase of people looking to hire me for my Pinterest services. I had to establish myself as an expert and grow my audience in a way that would attract them when they decided that their business required Pinterest services!

? Looking to attract more clients as a Pinterest VA? Download my FREE roadmap to attracting new clients as a Pinterest VA here.

Building My Online Pinterest Marketing Business

The absolute first thing I did was start modifying my website to suit both Pinterest Marketing and online content creation. At the time, I wasn’t sure if I was going to fully commit to becoming ONLY a Pinterest manager – I was in need of money and I felt that Pinterest Management wouldn’t bring in the income needed as a beginner since I was unable to hire someone to teach me (sadly, high-ticket coaching is NOT for broke beginners ? ).

Next, I focused on building out content to show that I knew what the heck I was talking about. I made TONS of blog posts – even when I felt that no one would read them. Not only did this give me somewhere to refer potential clients and others who were interested in learning more about how to use Pinterest for their business, but it started building up my Pinterest services funnel.

After getting into the grove, I started getting a few more clients (both for Pinterest and other services) and began thinking about my ‘next move’ and where I wanted my business to go. Which is how it led to me spending $800 a month on Pinterest coaching.

Pinterest Coaching & Scaling My Business

Do I regret spending $2,400 on coaching? No. Would I do it again? I don’t know. Although I was able to scale my business thanks to my Pinterest coach Hannah Johnson, I didn’t exactly know what I wanted out of coaching and often when asked a question regarding my next steps, I always said “Whatever you think is best.” and while that’s still an answer I give when speaking to experts, I’ve since learned that it’s not the right answer when it comes to your own business.

? Hannah and I remain close Pinterest partners and have since taken on many projects together including The Practical Pin Society for Pinterest VAs

I think I would have taken a step back and looked for alternative resources before hiring a 1:1 coach so that I could discover where I wanted to take my business and let her guide me – rather than spending three months figuring it out.

Around two months after finishing up with coaching and working on additional projects that didn’t necessarily have anything to do with Pinterest, I started focusing soley on Pinterest – and my Pinterest business really took off. I focused mainly on Pinterest Management while also offering some Pinterest Account Audits and custom Pin graphics. It’s really what led to being able to complete my DREAM Pinterest projects.

Where My Pinterest Biz is Now – And Where I Want it to be

Technically, I’m living the dream of working part-time hours but getting full-time pay. My only issue is, why am I only one of the few? I don’t want to gatekeep the knowledge of Pinterest Marketing, nor do I think that I should. I don’t want others to spend $2k+ on coaching when they’re not even sure what or where they want to take their business (or can’t afford to do coaching in the first place). That’s why I started The Pinterest Society, a free Facebook community to teach others how to utilize Pinterest for their business.

That’s where I discovered that there was a large demand for others to learn Pinterest Marketing and start offering it as a service they offer. And that little bit is what led me to where I am today, in the foundation of The Practical Pin Society for VAs where you get the benefits of group coaching, masterclasses, and Pinterest foundations without the price of 1:1 coaching.

? The Practical Pin Society stemmed from the need of having support when you can’t afford to hire an employee or coach for your biz and aims to allow anyone interested to scale their biz

In the future, I hope to create more resources allowing others to start their journey as a Pinterest Manager, no matter what their starting budget is.

What Next?

Sometimes we stumble upon things that both grow our businesses and sometimes expand our offerings – it’s possible that Pinterest might just do that for you! Of course, offering Pinterest Marketing is not for everyone and sometimes you might just want to do it for yourself – or not touch it at all and hire your OWN Pinterest Marketer.

How I made pinterest my job and earn a full-time income with part-time hours as a Pinterest strategist and Pinterest account manager - Plus learn how you can start working from home as a Pinterest VA
How I made pinterest my job and earn a full-time income with part-time hours as a Pinterest strategist and Pinterest account manager - Plus learn how you can start working from home as a Pinterest VA

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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
