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Episode 021: Everything Content Repurposing and SEO w/ Felly Day

Felly from Felly Day Studios, Guest on the Everything SEO podcast sharing everything about Content Repurposing and SEO

July 19, 2024




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At my heart, I’m a content writer (who also happens to love strategic SEO), and content repurposing is right up my alley. This is paired with Felly, my favorite unprofessional entrepreneur (self-proclaimed, by the way, you should listen to her podcast, 10/10). It was the perfect combination of content repurposing, content strategy, and SEO.

Like all episodes in this Everything SEO series, we really touch on how content repurposing allows you to show up on multiple platforms and how that involves your SEO — think different types of backlinks, referral traffic, and clear messaging (we talked about this in the branding episode with Callie, too).

Listen to the episode:

Introducing Felly, a Content Repurposer and Unprofessional Entrepreneur

Felly from Felly Day Studios, Guest on the Everything SEO podcast sharing everything about Content Repurposing and SEO

Felly Day is the owner of a Content Repurposing Agency doing things a bit…unprofessionally. After living as an expat in Mexico for 3 years while running both sides of her business, she’s relocated to the south of France to plan her wedding with the Frenchman and restructure her business in the lead-up to married life.

The Conversation: Content Repurposing and SEO

I will always encourage anyone interested in really working on their SEO to show up on multiple platforms — content repurposing is just one of the best ways (and most time-efficient) of doing it. While I do have a few favorites (ahem, pinterest), showing up on any aligned and high-quality platform or channel can help improve your SEO.

During our chat, we kept that same theme and really touched on some of the essentials of content repurposing and SEO like…

Defining Content Repurposing, how it can help you show up on multiple platforms without copy and pasting your posts.

Reaching Bigger Audiences, one of the main benefits of content repurposing and maximizing the ROI of your content.

Content and SEO, how you show up on other platforms impacts your performance in search and on Google.

Practical Tips to Start Repurposing, a few things Felly recommends if you want to start getting more out of your content.

Of course there was a bit more (like how you can choose to add on content ideas when you book a Blog VIP Week with me) and where to find a clear how-to on repurposing your content on your own. Overall, it’s a great interview to listen to — or you can read the full transcript below.


We are on another day of interviews and honestly, this has been so much fun. I love hearing the expertise from other people. It also like gives me a mini brain break. So that’s great. Anyway, so today we have Feli and she’s going to talk all about content repurposing. And this goes so well with SEO because I’ve mentioned this before.

And actually, if you listen to the past couple of episodes, we have this kind of overarching theme of keeping your brand messaging across everything and like just showing up on multiple platforms. And I feel like this is kind of the ideal way to do it. So Feli, if you’d like to introduce yourself. Well, thank you for having me.

Hello everyone. My name is Feli. I run Feli Day Studio, FD Studio, and we are a content repurposing agency, meaning that all we offer is repurposed content. I got my start as a general VA, you know, like so many other people, worked my way into a whole lot of different positions and jobs and eventually grew to a content agency and the niche to a content repurposing agency.

Because I believe that if you’re outsourcing content, that repurposed content is the best content. And here we are. Honestly, though, I feel like a portion of what I do with blog writing is repurposing. Cause I, it’s just for multiple different pieces of content to one. So what, what do you find is like the most popular thing to repurpose from?

I would say it’s what podcast or. Honestly, I think it really depends on the person, like when I’m working with more solopreneurs, a lot of the times it is like Instagram posts, carousels, obviously now reels, if it’s somebody that’s like been around longer, or has a team, then yeah, it tends to be more podcasts.

I don’t see a lot of people come to me where it’s like blogs first, or YouTube first, but that’s probably because of like the communities that I’m in, that it’s more podcasts first. I would say that obviously my listeners are probably leaning towards, like, starting from blog posts because that’s something we really lean into, and it’s totally doable from that.

What would be, like, your introduction to repurposing? So, like, what is content repurposing? I always like to use the analogy of Um, sound of music, if anyone, anyone knows the sound of music, you grew up on musicals like I did. But when Maria takes the curtains and she makes the kids clothes, you know, it’s like she took curtains and she turned them into clothing.

She changed the purpose of the curtains. And what’s a misconception online that I like fight with the gurus all the time on threads is that what they would do is they would take the curtains from the living room and put the curtains in the bedroom and they would say that was repurposing, but that was just.

redistribution. You just moved them. So if you take a TikTok video and you post it on Instagram and you copy paste the caption, you didn’t repurpose it. You just redistributed it. Redistributed it? Whatever. And so like, that’s like my, my grief in the, in the, in the repurposing space is you have to actually change something about it for it to be repurposing.

And that’s where it’s like taking a blog and turning it into a carousel, taking an email and turning it into real content, you know, and like actually changing the purpose or the form or the intention behind it, like when you’re resharing it. Yeah, definitely. I actually. If, since you don’t tend to work from blog posts, I do think that from carousels and from like really good emails and stuff, you can create blog posts with a little bit of like, that are SEO friendly too, just with a little extra keyword research to make sure it’s fitting perfectly.

But I think that’s a great place to start for people who want to start blogging, but aren’t great at like the ideation. When I started my blog, it was repurposed from carousel posts and like just expanding or like the like five tip posts, three tip posts, you know, like and expanding on like what was a bullet point on Instagram to make it a full paragraph, two paragraphs for a blog.

Like, I think it can go both ways. I wish more people brought me blogs because I think they’re so easy to repurpose from, they’re so full of ideas. But like, yeah, if you want to go the other direction, you can, you can very easily expand on those, like the carousel style of posts to make good blogs. Now I would like to hear, I would like you to share, I’ve already heard it multiple times, because I follow you everywhere, but kind of like your signature approach.

Yeah, so at the studio we have the framework, which I call the CPA framework because I am uncreative and we’re not gonna like try and make something quirky. It’s content, platforms, intentions, and angles. C P I A. C P I A. And basically it’s about like choosing the right content to repurpose because not every piece of content should be repurposed.

Deciding what platforms you want to show up on because showing up on all of them is just a total energy suck. Setting the intentions you have for those platforms. A lot of people have platforms that are specifically for lead gen, specifically for selling, specifically for nurturing. Knowing those makes repurposing so easy.

And then knowing, and then using angles to, uh, Put it all together basically and I think what makes us different is our use of intentions and angles at the studio And when I say angles, I mean like it could be like lenses It could be like filters, but I have eight that I operate off of and it’s like limiting beliefs myths mistakes polarizing opinions testimonials hot takes Inspiration.

I think that was a, I might’ve missed one, but basically if you take like the original post, which was a podcast episode about content repurposing. So this is more of like an educational piece of content. And I want to make it a sales reel for Instagram, right? It’s like, okay, I can take the, the lens or the angle of testimonial.

I can take the angle of hot take, depending on my audience, polarizing opinion. Right. And you can, right. Change the, the hook, change the call to action, change the, like the intention of the entire message. Obviously podcast is going to get way cut down to a small snippet, but it’s like you can change that intention from educating the audience to selling the audience by being like, this is the part you need to focus on if you want to outsource, this is the part you need to focus on if you’re ready to buy or if you are trying to make that decision.

Right. And so that’s what. That’s my, my approach in a rambly way. I mean, it works out. I still don’t know if that was eight, but Yeah, I don’t either. It works out. I’m sure it adds up eventually. Anyway, so with this whole overreaching thing of brand messaging and like staying consistent across platforms, do you feel like repurposing is like the way to go?

Like, this is where I’m biased, and I think repurposed content is the best content, but, like, yeah, if you want to show up on multiple platforms, and you don’t want to burn yourself out trying to come up with content for all the platforms, like, find your core content, find the platform you like to create for the most, and repurpose from there, like, I barely use Instagram anymore, I basically only use it for Reels, And that’s very iffy, but like, right now my main platform is Threads.

My podcasts are repurposed from Threads. Threads? My emails are repurposed from Threads. My reels, whenever I create them, I look through Threads and say, That’s a good one. Let’s put it as a reel text. Like, you know, like, all my content right now is coming from Threads, because that’s my core content. It used to be my podcast.

Before that it was Instagram, before that it was email, you know, so it can evolve, but having that one place where you put like your main ideas, your new content, like the, the thing you want to expand on or get started with, and then repurposing from there to be like, okay, like, This like threads for me is a lead generation platform, right?

So it’s like when I want to go deeper, I share it on the podcast. When I want to be sales specific, I write an email about it. When I want to take another spin at another lead generation, I’ll make a reel out of it. Right? And so it makes my content creation process really, really easy to have that core content and then be able to just spread it.

And my message stays the same. My wording stays the same because it’s, I’m taking the same concept that I already shared and wrote, and it’s, that’s how it works like when I work with clients is I’m taking the words they wrote or the concept they were focusing on and then being like, okay, like this is how we’re going to share it on this new platform because it’s a new type of content and we’ll change the words here.

We’ll change the analogy around, but it’s still your message and it’s still recognizable as you when new people come across it and come across you on different platforms. I think this, this is kind of where I look like as an SEO love repurpose content, and I, I also brought this up multiple times. So if y’all are tired of hearing it, like, just let me know.

I’m not afraid of it. Google did leak like not too long ago, and I feel like it’s going to come up again in the future because this is kind of an SEO podcast and they confirmed that the documents were from them. Um, and in those documents, we kind of figured out that, you know, our branding or messaging hat does have an impact, like becoming a personal brand or bringing more attraction to our brand in general, and just building our, our, I don’t want to call it our brand fan base or audience really does help with SEO.

And I feel like repurposing is kind of the way to do that. When you don’t have a huge amount of time to dedicate to ideation every day, or you don’t have a team to like. Can be post every day on multiple different platforms or create on multiple different platforms because honestly, every little thing that you share on instagram, if you’re repinning to pinterest or well, if you’re pinning your content to pinterest, if you’re putting your podcast to pinterest, if you’re linking your website, your blog post in your podcast show notes, like all these little backlinks from everywhere help your seo now, it does it in different like, yeah, It has different weights on how much it is going to help you, but it all does impact your SEO.

And so I feel like it’s not a, it kind of is like a little cheat code to kind of help you get there versus like doing everything from scratch. So absolutely love it. I’ve started trying to put your, uh, repurposing things into my own, own little thing. Um, we’ll say it’s, Feels so much harder trying to repurpose my own content than trying to like, you know, look at other people’s content and make blog posts, but slowly but surely, I actually did one for my, my latest reel, repurposed it from a carousel two months ago.

And it did really well, so I can see, I see, I can see where the benefits lie, for sure. Right, because repetition is also really important for your audience, you know, so even if it was a carousel to Instagram, the fact that you shared it two months later, people already forgot, there’s new people in your audience that never saw it, and like, no one scrolls back on Instagram, so it does still reinforce your message again and again.

You know, it took me so long to, like, come to terms with that too. I’ve, I think you’ve posted about it quite a few times, and as someone who’s been following you for a couple years, three or four years, like, I’ve seen you say, hey, you know, people don’t care. Like, people need you to repeat your messaging.

Like, it’s, it’s necessary. And it finally, like, I was like, okay, she’s probably on something. I should probably, like, put this into practice. And I think started just, Repeating. And nobody said a single thing. Yeah. So I think we’re safe. I don’t know if they actually would though, but. We’re safe. I would be, I would be shocked if someone was like, you’ve already said this.

Yeah. Like, yeah. Okay. I don’t, to be fair, just a little, little, little bring away. I watch a YouTuber and one of the, she’s got an influencer series where it’s like calling out the BS on influencers. And one of them was a leaning influencer and it was like a restocking, my fridge video and the influencer had taken their video.

And post it, like, at the beginning, like, the August of the year before. I’m so totally wrong with the dates, but they’re, like, months apart. And then reposted the same, like, restock video, just with a different, like, first intro clip. A few months later, it was like, I’m restocking my fridge, and it’s like, I feel like, and it was, like, the exact same video, and I feel like that’s where repurposing can get wrong.

I think she definitely did that wrong. Yeah, because it’s, like, on something like YouTube, where it’s long form. Like people are more likely to remember that, where if she had had a clip from it, or if she’d like, you know, made a carousel out of it of like my tips for restocking, it’d be very different versus like YouTube where you can see the recommended videos on the side and it would probably have the video that’s the exact same like recommended to you below it and you’re like, it’s the same video twice, like.

Like, because of YouTube’s, like, longevity, I wouldn’t recommend that, but a podcast, like, you can bring back, like, episodes from season one. I see people do it all the time, where they do, like, um, greatest hits tours, or, like, if they’re doing a series or something, they bring back old episodes, and that can work really well, in that the people are now seeing it New for the first time because I mean, like, I have 100 episodes on my podcast, right?

Like, people aren’t scrolling all the way back. People aren’t re listening to everything I ever said. So, yeah, like, pick your platform wisely. For sure. I would, I would, I feel like, I feel like TikTok could do that, too, because they show videos that are so closely related. And I still see, I’ll scroll and I’ll still see videos from like months ago when I’m like, oh my gosh, this is hot news.

And then I’m like, wait, I’m way behind the curve. This is like last year. Yeah, like TikTok and Reels, I always check like, when was this actually shared? Because so many times they’re like, do this right now, and you look at it, and it’s like, this is like six months old. Do I really need to? I hate when I end up with one, and it’s, you know, they have a cell in it, or like an offer in the caption, and I’m like, oh my god, this is perfect, and it’s like, oh, this was a time limited offer, and you cannot, you can’t actually get this right now.

I think we covered a lot today and I think it is definitely enough to get people interested and have a good understanding of repurposing, which I think is important. If there was like one tip or like a next step that you would lead people with? What would it be? I would say to really get clear on your intentions and angles because chances are you’re already clear on your platforms and the content.

You already have a lot of content created to be repurposing from. Especially, I don’t know when this is coming out, but especially like if you’re in the summer and you want to like relax this summer and not work full time, like being able to repurpose your content so you don’t have to create everything from scratch is a good thing.

great way to enjoy your summer more. I have a private podcast that Michaela will put in the show. Yes. And it’s called Turn One Into Ten. And so it does go through day by day, like, The CPA framework day one, day two, day three, day four. And it’ll help you work through your own intentions and get clear on them and then show you the different angles that we use at the studio and how you can be using them to repurpose your own content.

If you’re someone looking to DIY it. And I know I have a lot of moms listening. So this is a great practice to use when you know that you have holidays coming up or, you know, we’re going to have fall break in November. We’re going to have our break time in December, and we’ve already passed spring break, and, you know, we’re a little bit into summer break now, so it might be hard to get started, but like, if you’re trying to make school, like, those first few weeks of school maybe a little bit easier where you’re getting back into sports, and, you know, you’re starting to have to take your child to school again.

I know I spent three hours a day driving when my littles went to school this past year. Hopefully, we can cut that down to two. That’s the goal, but I spent quite a, quite a bit of time in the car. And I would love, I used to just, I would create content in the car and then I would save content that I knew that I really liked.

The idea was I was going to come back to it, but I didn’t, but you should actually do that is save it and then come back to it and then repurpose it when you do have time, because that’s another time saver. But Feli, how, if someone wants to work with you, how would they do that? There’s two ways that we work with people at the studio.

We have the remix, which is content ideation. So you send us 10 links to existing content. We send you a hundred custom content ideas and it’s all like laid out in an air table base, super beautifully with like prompts and you’re in. Your intentions and the offers that you’re focusing on so that you can organize it based on how you want to create.

And then we also do done for you content where you send us your existing content and we create the content that you want created for whatever platforms you’re working on. The only thing we don’t do is design because like. I just, I literally can’t. It’s not a skill I have, but written and video editing, we do it all.

And so, yeah, if you have any questions, you can find me on Instagram. I’m happy to answer, or you can head to the website, fellyday. com and check out our services there. Yay, perfect. Well, I did want to mention that in the next few months, I will be offering a new service. It is called a VIP week. We’re going to do blogging and all that stuff, but you’ll get six content, six blog posts with the same great SEO strategy that I normally use.

It’s just everything is done in a week and then scheduled out for you. One of the cool things I wanted to add, um, An offer with the service and we’re just going to kind of test it out to see if this is something that you’re interested in, but I definitely recommend it is that from those blog posts, you can opt to have kind of like a mini mix with it and belly will put all her greatness into it that she normally does as well.

And you will get 60 content ideas, content prompts to go along with your blog posts so that it can help you repurpose them and make your content go just a little bit further. So I’m very excited about that. But that is it for today. Thank you so much for listening and talk to you next time. Bye.


Listen to the other episodes in this series of interviews with amazing guests (and friends) on Everything SEO:



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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
