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The #1 Way to Get Your Podcast to Show Up on Google

How to Get Your Podcast to Show Up on Google | The Comma Mama Co

March 13, 2025




I have a love for words and a knack for SEO – and as a mama, I know just how challenging it can be to run a business while raising a family. This blog is just one of the many resources you’ll find here that’ll help you boost your online visibility without sacrificing your sanity.
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So, fun fact podcasters—your show right now is probably not going to show up on Google. At least, there’s a VERY slim chance for it to happen.

Google (and other search engines) don’t index (aka read or crawl) audio files, which means while your show notes on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or even ListenNotes can help you show up, it’s a tiny sliver of the content and value you’re actually providing.

And Google, being the massive platform it is, has a nice algorithm that prioritizes the most valuable and user-friendly content to rank—and if all it’s getting is your show notes, your podcast won’t have what it takes to show up no matter how good your content actually is.

But, how do you get your podcast to show up on Google?

How to Get Your Podcast to Show Up on Google

Repurpose your episodes into SEO blog posts and publish them on your website, consistently. No, you don’t have to do EVERY episode, but you do need to show up consistently, even if that means you’re taking the “slow but steady” route.

Blogging allows your content to be crawled and indexed by Google, along with another chance for your audience to consume it. While your followers and subscribers love giving your latest episode a listen, not everyone who needs you (and would be perfect for your offers) is even aware of your podcast’s existence.

The “SEO” bit is important, too. You could just repurpose your episode into a blog post, but that’s not what’s going to get you on Google. SEO is what gives search engines the little nudge or heads up to help your content get put in front of the right audience at the right time.

And showing up on Google is important if you wanna eventually live your life as a social-media-optional business owner.

5 Things to Know Before You Start Repurposing Your Episodes

Okay, before you get started (or decide it’s not for you and not worth the ROI of your time), you NEED to read this. There are so many misconceptions about SEO and blogging, especially taking your podcast to blog that we have to break down.

#1. You Don’t Need to Be a Great Writer

You just need to be a great podcaster. Your show is the core piece of your blog content, you’re just taking your audio and putting it into a reader-friendly form. For the writing, it’s actually mainly editing and structuring your posts.

#2. It’s the Same Audience, Just a Different Intention

You’re still speaking to the same audience, they’re just in a different place. When someone listens to your podcast, they’re expecting to multi-task or listen in anywhere from 10 to 60+ minutes. When someone lands on your blog post, they’re expecting to spend 1.5 minutes on your content.

#3. A Smaller or Unknown Niche and Industry Doesn’t Disqualify You

It actually increases your chance of being found. You can become the go-to on Google. There’s less competition which means you have a better chance of ranking—and more and more new searches are being added every day.

#4. Copy and Pasting is NOT Repurposing (and NOT SEO Friendly)

You can’t copy and paste your transcript or show notes, it won’t get you the results and you definitely won’t get a good ROI on your time. Neither your show notes or transcripts are structured correctly—nor are they reader-friendly.

#5. You Don’t Have to Include Everything

You don’t have to include everything in your episode—and you don’t have to repurpose every episode. If you’re short on time, pick the episodes that will give you the most ROI on your time by researching keywords before repurposing or learning when to blurb vs. blog (a concept I teach in TCM’s Pod to Blog Program).

Why Google? Why Now? The Next Step For Your Podcast

It all comes down to “What is your main goal?” Do you want more people to listen to your podcast OR do you want people to find you, hear (or read) what you have to share, and decide to stick around to learn more or even to work with you?

If your goal is to grow your business, Google is one of the best low-energy ways—especially as a podcaster. You’ve already done the hard work of creating the content, now you just have to repurpose it!

While your episodes will eventually get buried underneath each other as you continue to publish weekly and bi-weekly and episode 33 gets pushed back as you publish episode 102, blogs will show up on Google for an average of 2+ years AND it’s almost the opposite. 

The more you publish, the more ALL of your blog content will thrive and be found.

^^And if that’s what you want for your business, come join me in Pod to Blog, a 12-week program teaching you how to turn your oh-so-good episodes into SEO blog posts without maxing out your capacity and getting the most ROI on your time. Learn more here.


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Mom of three, lover of all things blogging, and borderline obsessive coffee drinker — I also just happen to love making complicated things simple and accessible, especially when it comes to SEO. The blog is a collection of what I've learned from years of testing, trial and error, and working with amazing clients with impactful businesses (just like yours). Blogging and SEO doesn't have to be boring — and it definitely doesn't need to be difficult.  
