over the next three days, you'll get emails that help you learn exactly how to write your review blog post and start sharing your fave tools and products with your audience! day #1 is otw to your inbox right now! 

Here's what to expect:

the 3-day blog review challenge

We're talking about how to pick the perfect tool to review based on you, your audience, and what's people are searching for on Google.

Day One

yay! welcome to...

Outline and write your review following SEO-best practices and my recommend rules (and some legal ones) for promoting a tool/product.

Day Two

It's time to optimize the backend - we're talking images, metas, urls, and the whole gaggle of settings your blog backend contains.

Day Three

A quick note to you...

This challenge is hosted on the everything seo podcast, but there are certain things only mentioned (and available) in the challenge emails. Plus, I'm sharing the transcripts so you can read rather than listen if that's your thing.

explore some more

SEO is the strategy to generating traffic long-term, even on those days where you can't get to your computer to go live, make a post on instagram, or even send an email. navigate our services or check out the library to learn more.


The Library



